Tag Archives: Scotland

Asia is in militaristic turmoil

By our Asian correspondent, Hadrien Levi:

Levi, in this PDF linked below the picture, explores the nature of the conflict in Asia, vastly under reported by Western media. He speculates upon a future not too many years hence where arguments between Asian nations culminate in crisis that’s not only just of confidence.  Levi is an informed analyst on Japan, China, Korea and Indonesia but is disguised under a pseudonym for his own and others’ safety.  ♦





15 things about Scots people you should know

  1. We can be difficult
  2. It is a small country so Dundee is very different from Aberdeen
  3. Glasgow is very different from Edinburgh
  4. The Highlands differ from the lowlands
  5. We still think about Mary Queen of Scots
  6. We are not necessarily all into fish, like salmon and sturgeon
  7. There’s no concensus about religion in Scotland
  8. Err… that’s it, add seven more…My readers write on Facebook:

    9. We love drinking whisky
    10. Fitba is the nearest thing to a national religion
    11. We can all recite at least one verse of a Burns poem
    12. Ye need a lang spun tae sup wi’ a Fifer

    13. We’re not necessarily happy about playing bagpipes at funerals.
    Like · Reply · 7 hrs
    Tom Henderson
    Tom Henderson 14. We’ve all heard the kilt/sheep jokes.
    Like · Reply · 7 hrs


    Tom Henderson
    Tom Henderson 15. BReXIT was not necessarily SCOTeXIT.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 7 hrs


    Tom Henderson
    Tom Henderson 16. We often smoke like chimneys. Until we quit. For the eleventh time.

Vote yes for a free Scotland

David BowieAn old age pensioner called David Bowie (67) said in a statement at the Brit Awards last night that he wanted Scotland to stay part of the United Kingdom.

As a Scot myself, with three Scottish grandparents and one Irish grandparent, I don’t have the vote.  But I am of the very strong opinion that Scotland should say “yes” to independence.

Despite the Labour, Liberal and Tory parties all lining up to support David Bowie’s stance, I am of the clear view that no-one should interpret a “yes” vote as a vote for the SNP.  If Scotland does split from the UK, it will create a whole new political dynamic both north and south of the border. The left will continue to win seats in an independent Scottish parliament. The Tories are largely irrelevant in Scotland and will continue to be so. A glance at the 2010 general election results is very revealing.

A “yes” vote will create a lot of changes in UK politics – Scotland returned 41 MPs in 2010 to parliament.

I don’t really have much time for Alex Salmond after he backed the egregious Donald Trump over his nutty scheme to turn a slab of the wild Aberdeenshire coast into the modern equivalent of a desert, that is to say, a golf course.  Nor, if Scotland says “yes”, do I care about being tied to the pound or to Her Britannic Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

My gut feeling is that an independent, democratic Scotland has every chance of being a viable, progressive force in Europe. And, again, folks of Alba, voting “yes” does not mean voting for the SNP. ♥