Tag Archives: shoes

Those Intel Developer Forum snaps we dare not show

THERE ARE ALWAYS unexpected things happening at the Intel Developer Forum. But on their own they’re not always newsworthy.


We don’t know who owns the shoes. But we know where he got his shoes. On the pavement.


Spotted just outside Annabelle’s, opposite the Marriott.


Worried about swine flu? Some people obviously were and so Intel provided a way of cleaning your hands before you went in.

Oh, and I’ve just been over to the Rose & Crown@North Parade. One of the regulars said: “Enjoy San Francisco?” I said yeah. He said: “It’s just that Ravi was there and the first bar he was in he spotted you at the other end.”

There was a big cardiovascular event going on in San Francisco – around 15,000 people attended. We guess Ravi was at that one, rather than the Intel gig. We’ll find out.  [We found out, he was. The bar was the Marriott bar. He said: “You were with Intel”. Well, in a way, yeah.]

Oh, and a shot of part of our hotel room. Yes, we certainly live a wonderful life. ♥
