Tag Archives: Exel Construction Limited

Austria comes to Mill Street

birchtreemillstreetJason Thacker, site manager of the “Osney Lane Development”, otherwise known as the Wall, has sent us a missive about the shape of things to come. Jason works for Exel Construction Ltd – motto: “Building a future”.

In March, the ground works will be finished, scaffolding starts on the 24th, and manufactured building assembly will start at the end of the month.

And there will be “lorry deliveries from Austria” with a lorry coming for nine days at 7AM. “We would appreciate no parking on the side of Mill Street that has double yellow lines during this period otherwise lorries will not be able to get through.”

Prefabbed stuff then.  We’ll bring you pictures when the Wall begins to loom over the back garden.

And if we capture any video of Austrian truckers dressed in lederhosen and slapping their thighs, be sure that Volesoft will bring you that footage too…