Inquirer hack gets Nvidia eggs in face

DASHING DEBONAIRE GRAPHICS GURU John Peddie has a tale of the unexpected up on his bog.

He reports on an unlikely meeting between Derek Perez, swashbuckling PR from Nvidia and Charlie Demerjian, pepsibuckling former protege of yours truly.

Nvidia’s Perez, according to Peddie, lost his rag with Chuck and threw a plate of eggs right over Demerjian’s face.  Or so the story goes, here. 

Nvidia has long had a bit of a probbo with the INQster – dating back to when I was still herding the crazy freelancers and Fudo fell out with Jen Hsen, or was it the other way round? Anyway, it’s not normal business practice for PRs to throw eggs in journalist’s faces – the boot, so to speak, is usually on the other foot.  

One response to “Inquirer hack gets Nvidia eggs in face

  1. Good ol’ Charlie, truely one of my favourites.

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