Mill Street welcomes careful Austrian truckers!

Austrian flagWilkommen! And hello to Meindl, delivering the first of nine pre-fabbed bits that will eventually form a Wall at the back of Mill Street. The Wall – which will be a corridor really – will be stuffed with unfortunate students who will feel the vibrations of high speed freight trains all day and all of the night.

What’s worse for the poor scraps, is they’ll have to be neighbours with the bohemian lot who live on the east side of Mill Street.

We apologise for the three white vans from the Immigration Enforcement division of the Home Office which completely ignored the message Jason Thacker of Exel distributed down our street the other week. We dunno what they were after. You can see one of the vans blocking the path of the truck on the far left of the photo.

We also apologise that as yet we haven’t prepared the dishes we hoped to provide – along with lashings of good Austrian beer.


2 responses to “Mill Street welcomes careful Austrian truckers!

  1. If the Austrians are coming to build the wall as well. then by all accounts they will ship their beer in with them – presumably not willing to trust what the “big six” breweries will supply.

  2. Oi! We like bohemians for their amazing proboscises!
    Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this Banksy bait!

    Meindl over matter is a longstanding spedition betwixt Mill Street East sider immigrants. Who knew?

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