Gazprom comes to Mill Street

SENIOR EXECUTIVES from Russian Fed firm Gazprom tipped up in the Kite, tonite, to have a tipple.

We asked why Gazprom was here, hoping that they would rescue us from the Mill Street disaster, already filed on this here Volesoft blog.

Unfortunately, the tight lipped suit refused to say anything whatsoever, apart from asking for another pint and displaying his Gazprom credit card to staff at ye Kite, to pay for his “beer and snooker”.  We did wonder, however, why there were four Russians in the Kite at the same time. We could tell they were Russians, because they had snow on their boots. 


One response to “Gazprom comes to Mill Street

  1. Take care Mike. They may be up to fracking no good. It’s a guess, it’s a gas, it’s a gaz gaz gaz. Fracking gangxtas, is what they are, tapping gas right out from under the kitchen Kite. The taps, she may be blowing flames in the future.

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