Techeye journalists go on strike

As of now, all Techeye journalists are on strike.

3 responses to “Techeye journalists go on strike

  1. Mike, I thought you and James and Alan were the management (?), so good luck with that, Mike. The only thing I wish to say is that I hope that Nick Farrell is kept in good stead.

  2. Back In Old Company, Whiners Screamed Mu Fopot Hurts, My Boots leak, Their Shooting At US.

    Well, nO their Shooting At You. Whiners, What Laugh. Each Pays Moore Dead Than Alive. Cruelty, You BetCha’. Whadya Think ALL Those Cages Are For, It Ani’t Fre, If It Ain’t FREE & Its’ FREE, Except Escape route, Of Course. Where Blank Page Means, Success. Like Piano Bar Player of Yore,Seeking public, Only Payment is Being aFar, & Most Think DATs License to Kill.

    ID Badge Gave IT ALL away. Hunting Down Best, Even While Freezer Is Packed with Parts. If Hybrid HDD can Scream 18 TB Song, So Can Journo. Plug IT In. theCLAPPER. Paper Useless. Rates Nominal. Yet to Waste Entier Lifetime, OMG From Deunse to 18 Tb Lip Flapper array. Anything Can Fall, Now. Hurricanes away. Wet,Cold Public, Looking In, Cost near Nothing to Play. Journos’ away. Only Zine Creator Knows. New School Archetecture, Old School Pricing. Beware, Ghostbusters or Casper. There ALL. Gosh Place Looks Better Empty.NEXT.

    drashek Alphabet Bomber….

  3. So, the strike is withdrawn? Can you trust things that go around single-eyed?

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