Oxford Council needs a kick up the slush

IN CENTRAL OXFORD today I was quite horrified by the lack of gritting the local council had achieved since the snows fell earlier this week.

It’s like they’ve done practically nothing – so pedestrians are sliding and falling like ninepins and on Cornmarket the shops should be held up to ridicule for not lending a hand.

Just here, on this corner, I had to act fast to steady an old lady who was going down big time.  Her hubby said: “This is a disgrace. We should vote this lot out.”  As a voter, I agree.

But surely the shops on Cornmarket could have done a  little better too? Or are they just in it for the money, honey? ♥

7 responses to “Oxford Council needs a kick up the slush

  1. All those other people wandering around Oxford seem to be getting on alright without sliding all over the place.

    Honestly… voting out a government *because* the floor is slippery after a week of snow?!

    Just put on some decent footwear, walk a bit slower, and smile :-)

  2. There’s a lot of old people here, including me. It’s treacherous…. like me :)

  3. If the shops lay down grit, and someone slips, then the shops can be sued for not taking enough of a preventative measure to stop people slipping.

    If they do nothing, and someone slips, then they can’t be sued.

    So… if I was a shop, I wouldn’t bother.

  4. *Don’t get me started*

    “The carpet in the Abbey had been laid with pile running the wrong way, which meant that the queen’s robes had trouble gliding easily over the carpet pile. The metal fringe on the queen’s golden mantel caught in the pile of the carpet, and clawed her back when she tried to move forward. The queen had to tell the Archbishop of Canterbury, ‘Get me started’.”

    Both the council and the Cornmarket merchants are in much need of:
    Instructions for Youth, Gentlemen and Noblemen

    Better to lose one’s coat than one’s crown.

  5. Oh ho, falls down laughing so damned hard. You call THAT slippery? That is downright clean, neat, can eat off of the floor nice. That’s nothing, and I mean NOTHING. Try 3 inches of packed ice in grooves and that’s AFTER the plows came through and AFTER it’s been salted, sanded, and whatever other chemical is in season this year. Much less climbing up over the hump of ice and snow 2 feet high at the end of the sidewalk to GET to the street. Gah.

  6. Just because you people in Minneapolis put up with this doesn’t mean we have to. We are going to vote down Oxford City Council because of this. It is a lesson in democracy. :)

  7. thomasxstewart

    Copper:Don’t Forget Charlies Frozen Body In BackYard,Too.

    It Could Be QEII Fault, Yet True Ascention to GOD Is Reserved for KING, Only. Hey-Maybe Queen can Move In Snow Direction,Clobberring ALL Poor Pawns, NationWide. Snow Wilies Are Worst.

    Signed:HRM Thomas Stewart

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