UK carpeted in snow. Minus 18C in Oxon

NICE THAT NASA is looking out for  us. It is really cold here. According to the normally unreliable BBC we are only two degrees Celsius warmer than the South Pole. It’s summer there, mind.

The NASA shot, taken today, is here.  Oxford is between Birmingham and London. I’ve turned the freezer off, all the gear in there is in the back yard.

One response to “UK carpeted in snow. Minus 18C in Oxon

  1. Bet it makes for cold stout on a cold snout.

    The whole Northern hemisphere seems to be unseasonably cold.

    We may get snow in South Carolina tonight (this is unheard of here) Last night’s low was 18 degrees Fahrenheit.

    I set about to see if Snow Cream is known in Scotland and found this:

    Can you imagine?

    I’ll stick a bendy straw in a Guinness and call it a frappé. That’s one way to judge beer; if your straw won’t stand straight in your head, the beer won’t either.

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