Screeching bird obsoletes alarum cocks

YOU DON’T NEED an alarm clock here in Indiranagar, Ole Bangalore. Regularly, at 5:15AM, the most horrendous screeching bird kicks off the day and rouses you from your slumber.

It goes on for just long enough to make sure you’re wide awake, and then at precisely 5:42AM it shuts up.

In case by any miracle you manage to get back to sleep, another avian creature starts up at 6:05AM precisely. This one sounds like fingernails scratching a blackboard, but at very high volume.

Two days ago we watched John Woodcutter taking an old fashioned and rather small axe to a rather handsome tree. The wiry John Woodcutter took no time at all to send the fine specimen of something or other crashing to the ground.

There’s always something happening in what used to be the sleepy suburb of Indiranagar.

2 responses to “Screeching bird obsoletes alarum cocks

  1. Kick ‘er out of bed, mate.

  2. buy a to your friends and get big save

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